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Select Tags to Show
This window is reached by clicking the Tags to Show on Name List button on the Advanced Tagging window or Tags to Show on Marriage List button on the Advanced Marriage Tagging window or the List Options > Select tags to show in the list option on the Master Location List window.
To select a tag number:
1. Click on the down arrow to the right side of the 1st Tag, 2nd Tag, or 3rd Tag combo box. This displays a list of numbers from 1 to 9.
2. Select a number from the list by clicking on it. The list closes and the number is displayed in the box.
3. Continue to select all three desired numbers. (Legacy doesn't care if you select the same number more than once although there is no reason to do so. It also does not matter what order the numbers are arranged.)
4. When you are finished, click Save.
To reset tag numbers:
You can quickly reset all three numbers to 1, 2, and 3 by clicking the Default 1-2-3 button.
10-0141 : 20205 RK