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Marriage Notes

    The Marriage Notes window is reached by clicking the Notes button at the right side of the Marriage bar on the Family View or by clicking the Notes button on the Marriage Information window.

Adding Notes to Marriages
The Notes section of Legacy is like a small word processor that can be used to keep any additional information that you want on a marriage

Editing Notes
You can use all the standard Windows editing features in the different note fields.  After highlighting text, you can cut, copy or paste by pressing CTRL-X, CTRL-C and CTRL-V, respectively.  You can delete highlighted text by pressing DEL.  (Using the right-click menu, all these can be done with the mouse.)

Other keys available while editing notes:
Ctrl-B - Bolds the selected characters or words if some have been highlighted by dragging the mouse over them.  If nothing is currently selected, pressing Alt-B turns on bold mode so that successive text is bolded as you type it.
Ctrl-I - Italicizes the selected characters or words if some have been highlighted by dragging the mouse over them.  If nothing is currently selected, pressing Alt-I turns on italicize mode so that successive text is italicized as you type it.
Ctrl-U - Underlines the selected characters or words if some have been highlighted by dragging the mouse over them.  If nothing is currently selected, pressing Alt-U turns on underline mode so that successive text is underlined as you type it.
Ctrl-S - Superscripts the selected characters or words if some have been highlighted by dragging the mouse over them.  If nothing is currently selected, pressing Alt-S turns on superscript mode so that successive text is superscripted as you type it.
Ctrl-F - Opens the Find dialog box where you can search for text within the note.
Ctrl-C - Copies highlighted text to the Windows clipboard.
Ctrl-X - Cuts highlighted text from the notes field and places it on the Windows clipboard.
Ctrl-V - Pastes any text currently on the Windows clipboard to the current position in the note field.
Ctrl-T - Inserts a tab character into the note.  (Using tab characters to try to line up columns of information may not result in the desired format when printed on reports.)
F3    - Continues the search to find the next match after starting a search with Ctrl-F.
Ctrl-Z - Undo.  Removes any text entered since the last time the note was saved.  If the amount of text that will be removed is more than 20 characters, Legacy asks for confirmation before removing it.  (There is nothing worse than entering several paragraphs of information and then having it all disappear when you press Ctrl-Z by mistake...)
F6 - Pops up the Character Map where you can select one or more special character to insert into the note.  This can be used to select copywrite symbols or other characters not shown on your keyboard.
F7 - Starts spell checking.
Ctrl-P - Privatizes highlighted text by enclosing it in [[ and ]] characters.

Formatting Text
If you are using the Deluxe Edition of Legacy you can easily format any text so that it appears and prints either bolded, italicized, underlined or superscripted.  (Standard Edition users must use formatting codes to accomplish the same thing.  The formatting is honored when producing HTML and RTF output files.  When printing to a text file, the formatting is removed.

Formatting is added by highlighting the text you want to format and clicking one of the formatting buttons (or pressing the corresponding shortcut key).  (See Text Formatting for complete information on how to do this.)

Searching the Notes
You can search for embedded text within your notes by pressing Ctrl-F to pop up the Find window.  (See Search Notes for more information.)

Spell Checking
Click the Spell Check button to check the spelling of your notes.  See Spell Checking for more information.

Strip HTML Codes
If you copy information from a web page on the Internet and then paste it into a note field, it will probably contain a lot of hidden HTML formatting codes that are not supported by Legacy.  These unsupported codes may appear later when you try to print the notes in a report.  You can remove these codes by clicking the Strip HTML button.

Deleting Notes
To delete the entire contents of a note field, highlight all the text and press DEL.

Expanding the Notes Window
You can expand the size of the Notes window by dragging any border or corner to a new location.  The size of everything in the window expands (or contracts).

Loading Text Files into the Notes
If you have a text file you would like to load into a note field, click the Read button and specify the name of the file to read.

Saving Notes to a Disk File
You can save a note field to a text file by clicking the Write button.  Legacy prompts for a file name and location and then saves the entire note field contents to an ASCII text file.

Printing the Notes
You can print the contents of a text file by clicking the Print button.

Why Bad Things Happen to Good Notes
See Why Bad Things Happen to Good Notes for ideas on how to "not" format your notes.

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