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Defining Event Roles
Roles are the short description of how people were connected to an event that is shared from another person. These can include terms like Witness, Doctor, Household member, Midwife, Bridesmaid, Minister, etc.
Legacy comes with default roles for each type of default event. When you share an event, you can quickly choose from the specific list of roles associated with that event - or you can add additional roles as needed.
When you first share an event with someone else, a default role is automatically assigned to the new person. This is seen on the People who share this event screen. To change the role, make sure the correct person is highlighted in the list and then click the Edit Role button. This dislays the Edit Role screen.
Choosing a Different Role
You can then change to one of the pre-defined roles by clicking the down arrow to the right of the Role dropdown list.
Adding a New Role
If you want to add a new role, choose the bottom item in the list, Add/Edit Roles.... This displayes the Role List showing all the currently defined roles for this specific event type. The item in the list with a leading asterisk (*) is the default role for the event. You can add a new role by clicking the Add Role... button. When you do, the Add/Edit Event Role screen appears.
Each default role comes with a set of eight sentence definitions that are selected from (depending on which pieces of information are filled in) when generating a the final sentence for a report or website. These sentences can be edited if need be. See Add/Edit Event Role for more information.
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