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Friend List
The Friend List screen is reached by clicking the Give this card to someone else button or the Give all of these cards to someone else button on the Card Details screen which is displayed when you click the icon on any ordinance card line on the Temple Ordinance Reservation and Tracking screen reached by clicking on the main Temple tab at the top of the Legacy FamilySearch screen.
The Friend List is used to keep track of all the people who you are helping you complete the temple ordinances for your ancestors. The list shows the names of all the friends you have entered into the tracking system and how many cards have been assigned to each of them.
Click Add to add a new friend or Edit to change or add information on an existing person on the list. The Add or Edit a Friend screen appears.
To choose a friend to assign the current card to, highlight the desired name and click Select.
10-1413 ; 20208 RK