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How to Search for Individuals

You can search for individuals in your Family file in many different ways.  Following are some examples:

Query by Example
To use the Query by Example method, fill in one or more pieces of information you want to look for and then indicate how you want to look for them.  In the How to Find box, you can search for individuals who match your input exactly, people who start with the information you typed, or you can have Legacy look anywhere in the field for the information.

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar. 
2. Make sure you are on the Query by Example tab.  If not, click the tab to select it.
3. Fill in the information you want to search for.  For example, if you want to search for all individuals who have a last name of Anderson, type Anderson in the Last field.
4. Indicate which gender you want to search for by clicking on Male, Female or Either in the Gender box.
5. Indicate how to look by clicking on Exact, Starts with, or Anywhere in field in the How to Find box.
6. If you want to create a list of all the individuals who match the search criteria, click the Create List button at the bottom of the screen.  Or, if you want to display the first match found, click the Find First button.  You can then display the next match by clicking the F3 function key or the previous match by clicking Shift-F3.

If you want to get more specific with your search, click the More Detail button near the lower-right corner.  Additional option buttons appear that give you more control over the search.

Detailed Search
The Detailed Search option gives you specific control over what you are searching for.  You can specify who, where, how, and what to look for.  You can also combine up to three search conditions using AND and OR.

1. Click the Search button on the toolbar. 
2. Make sure you are on the Detailed Search tab.  If not, click the tab to select it.
3. In the Primary Condition, the one at the top, specify who you want to look for.  This can be an Individual, a Male, a Female, or a Marriage.  You can make a selection by clicking on the Down arrow at the right side of the combo box.
4. Indicate where you would like to search by selecting a location from the Where to Look combo box.  The contents of this box varies, depending on who you are looking for.
5. Specify how to search by selecting a method from the How to Look combo box.  These, too, vary according to where you are looking.
6. Type what you are looking for into the What to Look for combo box.
7. If you want to create a list of all the individuals who match the search criteria, click the Create List button at the bottom of the screen.  Or, if you want to display the first match found, click the Find First button.  You can then display the next match by clicking the F3 function key.

Miscellaneous Searches
You can do other special-purpose searches from the Miscellaneous Searches tab.  (See Searching for more information about these.)

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