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How to Add Parents
To add parents (either a Father, Mother or both) to an individual:
1. Make sure the individual is in either the Husband or Wife position of the Family View.
2. To add a father to the husband, right-click in the top half of the husband's Parents box at the top of the Family View. To add a mother to the husband, right-click in the bottom half of the husband's Parents box at the top of the Family View. The Add Father or Add Mother window appears.
3. Click Add a NEW person to create a new record for a new individual or Link to an EXISTING person if the father or mother is already in the family file as an individual. If adding a new person, the Information window appears, where you can enter the person's information. If linking to an existing person, the Name List appears where you can select the individual.
4. When you have finished adding or linking in the father or mother, the name appears in the appropriate location of the Parents box. You can then continue to add the other parent, if known.
To continue to the next topic; How to Add a New, Unlinked Individual, click here.
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