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Master Event Name Maintenance
The Master Event Definition List is reached by clicking to the right of the event name field on the Add Event window. (The Add Event window is displayed by clicking Add on the Information window to the right of the Events box.) The Master Event Definition List is also available by choosing Master Lists / Event Definition from the View tab of the Ribbon bar.
The Master Event Definition List contains all the names of the events referred to by the individual event lists. Each unique name is only included once in the master list. To add a brand new event to an individual, you must first add the new event name to the Master Event Definition List.
Selecting an Event
To select an event from the Master Event Definition List:
1. Highlight the name of the event you want to select.
2. Click Select. (You can also double-click on the event name to select it.)
Adding a New Master Event Definition
To add a new event to the Master Event Definition List:
1. Click Add. The Add/Edit Event Definition window displays.
2. Type in the name and sentence definitions of the new event.
3. Click Save to save the new event definition.
Editing a Master Event Definition
Changing the name of an event in the master list changes all references to it. To edit the definition of an existing event in the Master Event Definition List:
1. Click Edit. The Add/Edit Event Definition window displays.
2. Edit the name and sentence definitions of the event.
3. Click Save to save the changed event definition.
Deleting a Master Event Definition
You can't delete a master event that is being referred to by any individual in the event list. To delete a master event you must first remove all references to it. Once this has been done you can delete the master event by:
1. Click Options and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
2. Click OK to confirm the deletion. The event is removed from the Master Event Definition List.
Searching for a Specific Event
If the Master Event Definition List contains many entries, you can search for a specific line by following these steps:
1. Click in the Find text box.
2. Type the name of the event you want to locate. As you type, the nearest matching event name is displayed in the grid.
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