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Creating Timeline Files

Legacy comes with several timelines that can be included in your Timeline and Chronology reports.  You can also create your own timelines to use in these reports and to share with other people.  

And remember, these timeline should be about fairly well known events in history.  Events that would have had an impact on many of the people in the area.  These are the types of background and historical information that people will want to include in their own personal timelines and chronologies.

  To create a new timeline file:
1. From the View tab of the Ribbon bar, choose Timeline Files.  The Timeline Files screen appears.  (See Timeline Files for more information about this screen.)
2. Click the New button.  The Create New Timeline File screen appears.
3. Enter a description of the timeline.  This is the description that will appear in the Timeline File List when users are selecting which timeline to use.  
4. Click Save.  The New Timeline Name screen appears.  (See Timeline Description for more information.)
5. Enter a file name for the timeline file and click OK.  You are returned to the Timeline Files screen with your new timeline added to the list. 
6. With the new timeline highlighted, click Edit.  This brings up the Timeline Editor screen.  (See Timeline Editor for more information about the options on this screen.)
7. To add an event to the timeline, click the Add button.  This brings up the Edit Timeline Entry screen.   (See Edit Timeline Entry for more information.)
8. Enter the event range.  There should be a starting and ending date.  If an event was just a one-time occurrence, enter the same date into both fields. 
9. Enter a Short Description.  This is what shows on most reports.  Make sure this description makes sense to the user when he/she sees it all by itself.  For example, if you are making a timeline for the kings of Denmark, don't just put a name in the Short Description.  The user won't know what it means.  Put something like: Gorm the Old became the first king of Denmark.  Or, Gorm the Old, 1st King of Denmark.
10. Enter a Long Description if you have one.  For example: Gorm the Old, born about 840 becomes the 1st King of Denmark.  His father was Hardecanute Sigurdsen.  He married Thyri Klacksdottir. 
11. Enter the Source of the information, if you know it. 
12. When you are done, click Save.  This returns you to the Timeline Editor screen.
13. Repeat steps 7 through 12 for each new entry into the timeline. 
14. When you have finished adding new events, click OK to return to the Timeline Files.

The timeline files are saved in the TimeLines folder under the Legacy folder.  You are encouraged to send your timelines to Millennia so that we can include them in future update for others to use.

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