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Contract/Expand Location Parts
The Contract/Expand Location option is reached from the Master Location List (View > Master Lists > Location). Click on the Options button and choose Expand/Contract Location Parts.
State, province, country, and some county names can be expanded from their abbreviations to the fully spelled out names or contracted them from the full names back to abbreviations. For example, United States can be contracted to USA, or USA expanded to United States. There are two versions of each master location name, a short version and a long version. You can contract or expand either of these two parts.
Action to Take
Expand Long Location - Expands the selected location parts of the Long Location Names from their abbreviations to their full names.
Expand Short Location Names - Expands the parts of the Short Location Names.
Contract Long Location Names - Changes the selected full location name parts of the Long Location Names to their abbreviations.
Contract Short Location Names - Contracts the parts of the Short Location Names.
Expand Long Location Names and Contract Short Location Names - Spells out all the selected parts of the Long Location Names and abbreviates all the selected parts of the Short Location Names.
Parts to Work On
You can limit the expansion and contraction operations to specific states, counties, and countries. These include:
USA State Names
Canadian Provinces
Irish County Names
English Names
Channel Islands and UK Names
Wales Names
Scottish Names
Country Names (USA is not expanded). You can also add and remove "USA" to locations that have USA State names or abbreviations.
Create a Results Report showing all changes made
With this option selected a log file is created that shows all the changes that were made. At the end of the operation, Legacy offers to display the log file. (The name of the log file is Location.log and is located in the Legacy folder.)
Preview a list of Codes/Names
Click this button to create and preview a list of all the recognized names and abbreviations for all the areas you have selected to change.
When you have selected all the desired options, click Continue.
10-0208 : 20221 RK