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Combine Master Location

When you are importing records from either a GEDCOM file or another Legacy file, you may run into master location definitions that are different from the definitions in your current family file.  These incoming locations might have more or less information associated with them.  You might want to keep some of yours and some of the new information. 

The Combine Master Location screen shows all the information from both the current master location and the incoming location.  (Any media file links are not shown as they are automatically combined.)
  • Long Location Name -  The long location name is locked and cannot be changed.  
  • Short Location Name -  You can either copy the information from the incoming record to the current record by clicking the button between the two fields, or you can edit the short location name on the left side (the current record).  Any changes made on the left side are saved.

    Notes -  You can copy the notes from the right side to the left side by clicking the button, or you can edit the notes on the left before saving.

    Latitude and Longitude
    You can copy or edit the latitude and longitude information before saving.

    Copy All
    You can copy the complete incoming master location information by clicking the Copy All button.

    If you would like to always keep your existing information whenever differences are found between master location records, you can bypass this combination screen by selecting the Always keep the location from the Current file option.  When you do this, you are no longer shown the Combine Master Location screen during the import.

    You can also choose to always keep the incoming location information, overwriting your current information, by selecting the Always keep the location from the Incoming file option.

    10-0530 : 20227 RK