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Advanced Tagging

  The Advanced Tagging screen is reached by right-clicking on any tag box or by choosing Advanced Tagging from the Tools tab of the Ribbon bar.

The Advanced Tagging window is used to quickly tag or untag families and/or other groups of people.  Entire lines can be tagged (or untagged) with the click of a button.  You can also us the Advanced Tagging window to add a hashtag to all the members of a family or other groups of people.  (See Hashtags for more information about how they can be used.)

The current individual's name is displayed in the upper-left box.  All tagging actions below are done with this individual in mind.  If you want to change to a different person, click the Change button on the right and select the new individual from the Name List.

The Tag 1 through Tag 9 checkboxes under the name show the current status of each of the nine tag levels.  You can tag or untag any of these by clicking on them.  (There are only three tag levels in the Standard Edition of Legacy.)

Tagging an Individual
To tag or untag a specific individual, click the desired tag box below the individual's name.  You generally don't come here just to tag an individual as it is much easier just to click on their tag box, however, the option is included here for your convenience.

Advanced Tagging or Untagging
Select either the Tag or Untag button to specify the type of action you want to accomplish.  All further actions will follow this command.

Tag Level
Use the up and down arrows on the Make Changes on # box to select the tag number to work with.  All further actions will affect this tag level.

Adding or Removing a Hashtag
Select either Add Hashtag or Remove Hashtag to specify the action you want to accomplish.  You must then also select the hashtag you want to add or remove by clicking the down arrow in the box to the right.  This displays a list of all the current hashtags where you can choose the one you want.  

Tagging a Family (or adding a Hashtag to a Family )
A family is considered to be the current individual and his or her spouse(s) and children.  To tag or untag a family (or to add or remove a hashtag), click the Family... button.  The Spouse List for the current individual appears.  If this is not the individual you want, click the Change button to the right of the name and select the desired person from the Name List.  If the individual has more than one spouse, you can select one of them or all of them by clicking the appropriate button on the right side.

Tagging a Person's Ancestors (or adding a Hashtag to a Person's Ancestors )
You can tag or untag (or add or remove a hashtag from) all the direct-line ancestors of the selected individual for a specific number of generations and even include the descendants of those ancestors if you want to include an entire branch of a family.

To tag or untag ancestors or to add or remove a hashtag from ancestors, click the Ancestors... button. The Ancestor Options window appears.   (See Ancestor Options.)  

Tagging a Person's Descendants (or adding a Hashtag to a Person's Descendants)
A person's descendants include the individual's children from every marriage, their children from all of their marriages and so on. 

To tag or untag descendants or to add or remove a hashtag from descendants, click the Descendants... button.  The Descendants Options window appears.  (See Descendant Options.)

Everyone in the Entire Family File
You can tag or untag every person (or add or remove a hashtag from every person) in the entire Family File by clicking this button.  This includes all the individuals in the family file whether or not they are linked together by any relationship.

Everyone in the Entire Family Line
You can tag or untag everyone (or add or remove a hashtag from everyone) connected to the current person.  This means all of the individual's ancestors and descendants.  It also includes all the descendants of the ancestors, ancestors of the descendants and all their spouses.  Everybody linked in any way to the starting individual is included.  This is a great way to separate one line from another in a Family File.

Clearing All the Tags in the Family File
If you would like to clear all the tags from the family file at once, click the Clear All Tag Numbers for Everyone button.

Tag Descriptions
You can enter a descriptive phrase for each tag level to remind you of what you are currently using them for.  To the right of each tag description is shown the number of people in the family file who are tagged with that tag number.  The currently selected hashtag is also shown with its use count.

Tags to Show on Name List
If you are using the Deluxe Edition of Legacy, you can select any three of the nine available tags to be shown on the Name List.  Click the Tags to Show on Name List button to select these tags. (See Select Tags to Show for more information.)

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