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Advanced Source Citation
To reach this screen, choose Advanced Sourcing from the Tools tab of the Ribbon bar.
This option lets you assign the source citations currently on the Source Clipboard to various groups of individuals and marriages.
Which Records
You can assign the Source Clipboard citations to:
All Individual records with a certain tag number.
All Marriage records with a certain tag number.
All Individuals on the current Search List.
Where to Assign Source Citations
Once you have decided which records you want to assign the source citations to, you must then choose where to assign them within the records. You can choose from:
Assigning the citations to the Individual information on either:
All non-blank fields (which can optionally include the Event entries).
Only to the "Unspecified" field.
Assigning the citations to the Marriage information (which can optionally include the Event entries).
When you are finished, click the Apply button.
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